Florida Hurricane Season Will Be Potentially Deadly This Year – Do you have storm windows?

The chance of a Florida hurricane peak is between August and October, and that’s when you can expect the strongest storms to form. The early portion of hurricane season in 2020 has only produced two named storms, but there has never been a better time to ensure you have adequate hurricane window protection. Before you search for “window companies near me,” the best place to purchase impact doors and storm windows is STS Impact Windows and Doors. Located in Boynton Beach, Florida, STS services South Florida home and business owners using their over 20 years of experience. STS Impact Windows and Doors will provide you with added protection and peace of mind, offering only the highest quality impact windows and impact doors on the market.
The 2019 season was relatively gentle for Florida, but it was a welcomed break from the two previous years which included the major hurricanes, Irma and Michael. Both storms saw winds in excess of 100 miles per hour, and Michael made landfall at 140 miles per hour in 2018. Irma killed over 30 people and caused 77 billion dollars worth of damage, while Michael killed over 70 people with 25 billion dollars worth of destruction. With the increase in global climate change and an average of 12 named storms each season, it’s only a matter of time before the coast of Florida receives another blow from a major hurricane.
While no system can completely protect the home from a hurricane, hurricane windows like PGT windows feature hurricane glass which can withstand the elements far greater than traditional windows. Impact Windows can withstand wind speeds up to 200 miles per hour because they are treated with polyvinyl butyral (PVB) or ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA). While they can still break from debris, they are less likely to break into larger pieces that would do more damage. Instead, they break in a pattern similar to a spider web. This better protects your family during the hurricane but also provides additional safety during the cleanup efforts. Your family can rest easier and experience less anxiety during the hurricane season, as storms approach the area, and in the event of an evacuation. Hurricane windows also allow you to skip the annoying process of installing hurricane shutters each time there is the threat of a storm, saving you valuable time and space in your garage, and preventing the eye-sore of hurricane shutters.
STS Impact Windows and Doors ensures your storm windows and impact doors comply with the Florida building codes and they only install the best products on the market. Impact windows cost more than traditional windows, but the added protection from the eventual impacts of a storm is far worth the extra cost. PGT windows are both practical and they look fantastic, coming in a variety of designs including single-hung, double-hung, and horizontal roller, but also fancier designs like architectural, picture, and awning. Before you head out in town and settle on Lowes windows, consider the benefits of financial investment in your security and give STS Impact Windows and Doors a call today.