
Product Information, Installation, Schedule, and Guarantees

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I live close to the ocean; what frames work better?

Both aluminum and vinyl are typically more durable, lower-maintenance, and less expensive than wood, but each material has its plusses and minuses. Wood frames are used on custom homes looking for non-impact window selections. Aluminum frames are more prone to dents, corrosion, and fading but are generally stronger overall. Vinyl windows require less maintenance than aluminum windows. Vinyl never requires repainting; aluminum can be repainted or re-coated. Vinyl windows excel when it comes to insulation and improving energy efficiency because the vinyl material minimizes heat transfer. Aluminum windows tend to conduct heat and, therefore, are less energy efficient. While there [...]

March 13, 2020|

What’s the difference between wood, vinyl, and aluminum frames?

Both aluminum and vinyl are typically more durable, lower-maintenance, and less expensive than wood, but each material has its plusses and minuses. Wood frames are used on custom homes looking for non-impact window selections. Aluminum frames are more prone to dents, corrosion, and fading but are generally stronger overall. Vinyl windows require less maintenance than aluminum windows. Vinyl never requires repainting; aluminum can be repainted or re-coated. Vinyl windows excel when it comes to insulation and improving energy efficiency because the vinyl material minimizes heat transfer. Aluminum windows tend to conduct heat and, therefore, are less energy efficient. While there [...]

March 13, 2020|

What is the difference in the glass?

Impact glass consists of a robust and laminated interlayer bonded between two panes of annealed, heat-strengthened, or tempered glass. When struck by a forceful object, the glass resists shattering. When an object strikes impact glass, it may crack or shatter, but stays together as one piece to prevent outside elements intruding into the home. Windows and doors staying intact during a hurricane are crucial if air enters a home, it causes a pressure build-up and can blow doors and windows out, and lift the roof off your home.

March 13, 2020|

How can I be sure the impact windows and doors I am purchasing are impact-resistant products?

If you live in the tri-county area, it is the Notice Of Acceptance (NOA) issued by Miami-Dade County that will certify a product as impact resistant. This product approval also provides a label for the product that designates how long the certification will last. The NOA also includes information on dimensions, parts, materials, accessories, and installation guidelines for a product. Impact-resistant products also come with a sticker adhered to the window glass or door frame with the product approval information on it. It is important to remember not to remove these stickers because they are useful to identify your products [...]

March 13, 2020|

Do they reduce sound?

In addition to protecting your home from exterior damage, impact windows decrease the level of noise from the outside. If you live near a busy intersection, highway, or just have noisy neighbors, you know how disrupting and distracting outside noise can be. Installing impact windows is an easy way to reduce the amount of outside noise.

March 13, 2020|

What makes a window or door hurricane impact?

Several elements make a window or door impact rated, such as the frame and sashe engineering, the quality of weather stripping, the different types of glass used, and the type of low emission coating on the impact glass.  These products protect your home from more than hurricane-force damage; they also guard your family against would-be intruders. The most common way to achieve impact resistance in windows and doors is to select a product that uses laminated glass, laminated insulating glass, or heat-strengthened glass. All impact-resistant laminated glass and laminated insulating glass must pass the Miami-Dade Building Code High-Velocity Hurricane Zone [...]

March 13, 2020|

Do we get Insurance premium discounts for installing Impact Windows?

Impact windows and doors are effective windstorm protective systems recognized by insurance companies. Impact windows have several benefits, and protect your home from storms, provide an additional layer of security, and they are energy efficient.  Insurance companies recognize the many benefits of impact windows and can offer reductions to your insurance premiums.

March 13, 2020|

What about crime, are they safe?

Not only does the strength of our glass keep you safe from hurricanes and storms, but it also makes burglaries much harder and more unlikely. Our impact window, with their two layers of glass and interlayer, makes break-ins much more difficult. In addition to protecting your home from exterior damage, impact windows decrease the level of noise from the outside. If you live near a busy intersection, highway, or just have noisy neighbors, you know how disrupting and distracting outside noise can be. Installing impact windows is an effective way to reduce the amount of outside noise.

March 13, 2020|

What’s the difference between Low-e, Tints and Argon Gas?

The type of glass you choose for your impact windows and doors can alter the energy efficiency of the home. We are proud to offer insulating glass, laminated glass, laminated insulating glass, and heat-strengthened glass options. These options contribute to decreasing indoor energy usage, heating, and cooling costs. Low-E Glass coating is applied to the internal glass to separate both heat and light energy. Tinted windows and doors help reduce the amount of heat and light transfer, while low-E glass coatings reflect the heat to the source allowing the short-wave light to pass through for natural illumination. High-Performance Low-E to [...]

March 13, 2020|

Do the windows offer UV protection?

Impact windows and doors protect from ultraviolet (UV) light. The UV light causes damage to fabrics, artwork, photographs, and paint. Installing impact windows protects your valuable interiors from fading and discoloration after repeated exposure to direct sunlight. Protecting your home from the sun is extremely important in Florida since we experience direct sunlight all year round.

March 13, 2020|
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