The type of glass you choose for your impact windows and doors can alter the energy efficiency of the home. We are proud to offer insulating glass, laminated glass, laminated insulating glass, and heat-strengthened glass options. These options contribute to decreasing indoor energy usage, heating, and cooling costs.
Low-E Glass coating is applied to the internal glass to separate both heat and light energy. Tinted windows and doors help reduce the amount of heat and light transfer, while low-E glass coatings reflect the heat to the source allowing the short-wave light to pass through for natural illumination.
High-Performance Low-E to deflect solar heat gain and keep unwanted heat outside your home
Glass Tints which reduce the heat transmitted through your windows
Argon Gas which helps reflect outside heat to regulate the temperatures inside your home
With all the efficient glass options, you will see and feel the difference with more consistent temperatures and energy savings.